Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) – Level 2 (VTQ)

All staff within health services have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of patients and colleagues. Our safeguarding adults’ course is about the safety and well-being of all patients but providing additional measures for those least able to protect themselves from harm or abuse.

Omni Training Group SOVA course will cover fundamental parts of patient safety and well-being and aims to promote awareness of what constitutes abuse and neglect. This course will also promote understanding different types of abuse and neglect, promote understanding of what makes individuals vulnerable, promote understanding of what disclosure and whistleblowing are and detail legislation relevant to Safeguarding of Adults.

By the end of the course, candidates will be able to identify types of abuse, identify when abuse has happened/is happening, understand how to report and record issues that may be witnessed or disclosed and understand how to help prevent abuse and neglect.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as the Certificate.

This course is available online via Omni eLearning.

Please note that learners undertaking this qualification have the option to choose to take a regulated qualification (at additional cost) should you industry / employer require this.

Course Structure:

All staff within health services have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of patients and colleagues. Our safeguarding adults’ course is about the safety and well-being of all patients but providing additional measures for those least able to protect themselves from harm or abuse.

Omni Training Group SOVA course will cover fundamental parts of patient safety and well-being and aims to promote awareness of what constitutes abuse and neglect. This course will also promote understanding different types of abuse and neglect, promote understanding of what makes individuals vulnerable, promote understanding of what disclosure and whistleblowing are and detail legislation relevant to Safeguarding of Adults.

By the end of the course, candidates will be able to identify types of abuse, identify when abuse has happened/is happening, understand how to report and record issues that may be witnessed or disclosed and understand how to help prevent abuse and neglect.

The content of this and all our courses has been independently certified as conforming to universally accepted Continuous Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and come with a Certified CPD Statement as well as the Certificate.

This course is available online via Omni eLearning.

Please note that learners undertaking this qualification have the option to choose to take a regulated qualification (at additional cost) should you industry / employer require this.

Course Content:

Acts and Regulations
Discriminatory Abuse and the Human Rights Act
The Human Rights Act 1998
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
The Sexual Offences Act 2003
The Mental Capacity Act 2005
The safeguarding vulnerable groups act 2006
The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards principles
The Data Barring Service
What is a DBS Check
The DBS Process
New Update Service to DBS with effect from 17th June 2013
Facts and Information about abuse
Who is a vulnerable adult
Abuse and the indicator of abuse
Physical Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Financial Abuse
Neglect Self Neglect and The Act Of Omission
Institutional And Discriminatory Abuse
Duty of Care
Serious Case review and sources of advice
Managing risk and Multi-Agency safeguarding of adults
Reporting Abuse
Responding to suspected or disclosed abuse
Reporting abuse
How to Whistleblow

Successful candidates will be awarded the Safeguarding of vulnerable Adults (SOVA) LEVEL2 certificate valid for 3 years.

Accreditation is provided by Omni Training Group Ltd. The training is quality assured by ProTrainings Accreditation Scheme.

• Safeguarding of Children (Child Protection) Level 2
• Safeguarding of Children & Young People Level 3
• Safeguarding of Children & Adults Level 3
• Mandatory re-qualification training every three years by re-taking this course

Price per "Person" At your venue:

Price per "Group" At your venue:


Further Infomation

Duration: 1/2 day (4 hours)

Group Size: Up to 12 Candidates per 1 Trainer/Assessor

Assessment Method: Activities, theoretical & practical assessments

Pre-requisite: MINIMUM age of 16 years. Able to complete all requirements. Good understanding of English language