Our Fire Marshal Training course will give you the skills you‘ll need to become a Fire Marshal, which entails a comprehensive, specialised fire marshal training course. We have exceptional first aid and fire safety knowledge and experience – our instructors are professional at what they do, and they teach fun, life-saving techniques to people from all walks of life.
Course Structure:
Our Fire Marshal Training course will give you the skills you‘ll need to become a Fire Marshal, which entails a comprehensive, specialised fire marshal training course. We have exceptional first aid and fire safety knowledge and experience – our instructors are professional at what they do, and they teach fun, life-saving techniques to people from all walks of life.
We are committed to providing you with the highest quality fire marshal training available. Our courses provide comprehensive instruction that will prepare you to become a successful fire marshal in your organisation.
If you are looking to become a fire marshal, our courses provide a comprehensive overview of the essential topics and hands–on practice to ensure you are prepared to be successful. Our courses cover everything you need to know from fire safety laws and fire risk assessment to fire safety plan development and evacuation procedures. Additionally, our courses offer hands–on practice with fire marshal drills and inspections to give you the confidence to succeed.
After successful completion of the program, you will receive certification as a professional fire marshal.
Course Content:
- Fire Wardens Procedures & Responsibilities
- Emergencies That May Require Evacuation
- Fire Warden Identification
- Raising the Fire Alarm
- Types of Emergency Evacuation
- Building Fire Alarms & Communications Systems
- Developing Evacuation Plans & Protocols.
- Human Behaviour & Emergencies.
- Evacuation Activities.
- Provide CPD and BSafe Certified Training.
- Provides Solid Proof of Employee Training.
- Allow ALL Employees to Complete Mandatory Duty of Care Training.
- To Understand The Dangers & Core Principles Of Fire
- Learn The Do”s & Don’t”s, & Practice The Proper Use Of Extinguishers
- Practical Fire Marshal Evacuation Exercises
- Emergency Coordination
- Fire Marshal Legal & Regulatory Requirements
- Alarm & Fire Incident Investigation
- Bomb Threat Procedures
- Fire Marshal Training course requirements
- Building Fire Safety
- Stay informed about changes in the law.
- Fulfil Your Legal Duty of Care in the Essential Areas Required by Law and Inspection.
- Use Of Fire Blankets & Fire Extingishers
- Fire Risk Assessment
- How Fire & Smoke Spread
- Fire Evacuation
- Fire Legislation (Includes Fire Marshal Roles)
- Combustion Principles
- Emergency & Evacuation Plan
- Fire Action